I got this recipe from my sister in law years ago. The flavors of chocolate, banana, and chocolate chips makes for a nice tea bread. It is Moist and flavorful...
When our first daughter was born, a friend brought us a pail of these delicious muffins. It was such a thoughful gesture and perfect to snack on during...
Rum-soaked raisins and currants dot these glaze-topped delicate muffins. Recipe was in "Sweet and savory Muffins" from a November 1985 issue of Bon Appetit...
This recipe comes from Alice Collins, a 90 year old grandmother in Ajax Ontario. She's been making this bread for friends, family, and bake sales for more...
These make a great Christmas or New Years muffin, about the only time you find eggnog in the stores. I put chopped walnuts in mine and my DH said very...
I saw this on Food Network today and it looks awesome! Two of the bananas are creamed and two are mashed chunky and folded in to give some texture. For...
A great zucchini bread that makes two loaves, one to eat and one to share or freeze for later. This is from a Del Monte cookbook originally, but I have...
This recipe comes from a set of recipe cards from 1973. There are similar recipes on here, but I think this one is the best of all of them! The batter...
This recipe was originally designed to be made from either squash or pumpkin, after a few pour reviews, I discovered canned pumpkin to be too heavy, so...
This recipe is a combination of the "Banana-Nut Waffles (Gluten-Free and Vegan" and "Gluten Free Waffles" recipes (from this site) with some small modifications...
What a great excuse for chocolate in the morning. This recipe came from a King Arthur Flour catalog long ago - I get rave reviews everytime I make them....
Wholesome goodness of oatmeal in a moist banana bread. Low fat and low sugar, DH doesn't like overly sweet banana bread. This is one of my inventions and...
I created these muffins this morning when I couldn't find a recipe for what I wanted. I get my dried cherries from nutsonline.com, and they are very moist...
Absolutely the tastiest pumpkin bread in all the world---all because of the streusel topping. It is yummy. Try it; you'll love it. It makes two good sized...
These are so good, especially when they are warm! Butter is always delish on them, and recently I tried cream cheese on them, and was pleasantly surprised!...
These little muffins are full of flavor, and if you are like me, and trying to find something sweet to snack on that is good for you--this is it. You will...
This is supposedly a "celebrity" recipe from Meg Ryan. I don't know how true that is but I got it from a friend awhile back and have just now had the chance...
Many years ago I made a cranberry-orange bread from a magazine clipping. It got lost and I've never found a suitable replacement, but this year, with the...
I originally found these on a forum on the Eat Clean Community Forum but wanted to save the recipe here and also get the nutrition info! They are yummy,...
This is one of those no effort required recipes. If you're partial to coconut and short on time these quick and tasty muffins give satisfying rewards....
This is my all time favorite muffin recipe which I adapted to mimic the Ollieberry and Cream Muffins available at Linn's Resturant in Cambria, CA. You...
My fiance and I love pumpkin breads, and he especially loves cream cheese, so when I spotted this recipe on another site I knew I had to share it. I prefer...
Yummy with all the oats and just a hint of orange; moist and not too sweet - a big favorite around our home. I suppose you should keep leftovers refrigerated...
This is so quick and easy to make, I usually make several loaves and freeze two. This is from Roben Ryberg's "The Gluten-Free Kitchen", the book that saved...
The tangy taste of cranberries is great, but then combine that with both vanilla chips & the citrus of orange & lemon, well . . . ! This recipe, now somewhat...